Peek-A-Boo (“Cucu”)

Rafa and Julia return home after Antonio’s party, but she is very upset because Rafa has drunk more than is wise. There are many reasons to be responsible now.

My Monster

Christmas is coming. If that’s not stressful enough, Lily (Brea Grant) has to contend with a clueless partner (Adam Egypt Mortimer) and an unexpected, inter-dimensional holiday guest who just wants two things — blood and cuddles.

Unholy ‘Mole

A selfish man sells the soul of his unborn child to Satan in exchange for forcing his wife to make guacamole for him. Things go wrong…

Rubbish Robbers (“Stryk i brekk”)

When a couple badass guys are going to break into a bank, they quickly realize the terrible mistake it was to involve “Premium Idiot” Klaus as part of the group.